After a whole I stopped trying to discover the sender's identity and just delighted in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower nestled in soft pink tissue paper. 此后,我不再去查问送花的人是谁了,只是尽情享受那枝裹在粉红色绢纸中的富有魅力的纯白花朵的瑰丽和浓郁芳香所带给我的欢悦。
To be with cheese, sweets or straight away to enjoy the perfect apple flower& apricot fragrance, Inclusion the perfect flavor of dessert almond, mango and strong test of figs. 酒体雅致而醇厚,散发苹果花香及杏子的芬芳,蕴含甜杏、芒果及浓郁的无花果的甜美口味。配鲜乳酪、蛋糕甜点,或独饮。
I long for your perfect correction, as it is a part of the flower of your love. 我也渴望您完美无漏的指正,因那是您圣爱之美丽花朵的一部分。
He searched for the perfect flower to give to Kei Odagiri, who was already engaged to someone else. 他遍寻“究极之花”为了给已经与其他人订婚的曾经的爱人小片桐圭。
The perfect flower to lift spirits or to simply bring joy to someone's day. 完美的花鼓舞精神或干脆带来欢乐的人的一天。
She was the perfect combination of the 'flower' and 'people'. 她是花与人完美结合的代表。
The average percentage of the perfect flower among all kinds of fruit branches was ( 28.4%). 不同类型果枝上的完全花比率均值为284%。
So, there are significance to study the rice mutant long glume in order to perfect and reinforce the flower organ development model of monocotyledon. 研究水稻长护颖突变体对完善和补充单子叶植物花器官发育模型具有重要的理论意义。
In this new situation, in order to solve the new problems in the development of flower industry, Yanling county government should further perfect their functions in order to better promote the development of the local flower industry, enhance the strength of the county economy. 在这种新的形势下,为了解决花卉产业发展面临的新问题,鄢陵县政府应该进一步完善自己的职能,以便更好的促进当地花卉产业的发展,提升整个县域经济的实力。